Build the Luv Tribeca - Luv Michael
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luv michael tribeca

Our story is about to take a huge leap forward with the opening of our higher-capacity kitchen and learning center in the Tribeca section of New York City.

We hope you’ll join us by helping to spark the future of Autism-to-Work.  Your support now will make a huge advancement in special needs work and development for years to come.

Our New Tribeca Facility

Construction has begun on our new kitchen, packaging facility, and learning space in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City.

Here in this dedicated space, granologists will learn their trade and take part in the manufacturing process. Most importantly, they will grow as workers and members of the working world. The skills they gain here will most assuredly be used for many years to come in future jobs and careers.

First Floor Retail Area

luv michael 1st floor tribeca
luv michael tribeca retail area 1st floor 2

Designed Using Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index

The Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index is the first set of evidence based design guidelines worldwide to address built environments for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It was developed over a decade of research and is comprised of seven criteria proposed to be facilitiative for ASD design. It is used as both an assessment and design development tool.

Basement Learning Area

luv michael tribeca basement
luv michael tribeca class 2

First Floor Kitchen Area

first floor kitchen

Our “Wish List” to Complete this Project

vulcan oven$50,000

3 Vulcan Ovens with accommodation for 30 trays

60 quart mixer$20,000

60 Quart Mixer

walkin freezer


Walk-in Freezer Box

stove cut out


Viking Stove, 66-inch Tuscany Range

Our Construction Costs

  • $16,000 Framing
  • $11,600 Wallboard
  • $8,500 Finish Carpentry
  • $20,500 Storefront Glass
  • $38,000 Plumbing
  • $85,000 HVAC
  • $35,000 Storefront
  • $71,875 Millwork
  • $46,000 Electrical
  • $18,000 Plaster & Paint
  • $4,000 Demo
  • $14,000 Tile & Stone
  • $29,558 (General Condition, overhead and profit 8%)
  • $11,084.25 (Insurance, 3%)

If you would like to support our autism-to work plan by purchasing any of the equipment above or by sponsoring the work to finish our kitchen, please contact Dr. Lisa Liberatore at

Our Generous Construction Partners

Michael Muroff – Architect

Jeff Etelemaki – Architect and Design

Michael Carron –  TLM Group

Karla Caro – Empire City Consultants

De Lux Construction Inc. 

Robert Faulkner – Genesis Flooring

…The Proof is in the Progress…

damian“This program gave him a reason to wake up and do his best….something he enjoyed about school that he was now lacking. I notice his joy and gorgeous smile is back. Luv Michael’s is now his favorite conversation topic.”

– Damian’s Mom

jenna dad“I was never prouder. Jenna has grown by leaps and bounds, not just at LUV Michael, but in her everyday life. Her confidence knows no bounds. She loves going to work and loves the people she works with. I don’t know where we would be without the love, caring, and support of your amazing organization. Jenna is smiling again, proud to be earning a paycheck, and can’t wait to do it all again the following week.”

– Jenna’s Dad

sam luv michael“Luv Michael became a place he could go to work and that taught him to realize his potential and self-worth was a huge step toward Independence self-reliance and building friendships.”

– Sam’s Mom

elias luv michael“Luv Michael is a place where young adults with autism can work and continue to learn.

Elias’s Mom

Share the “Luv” Levels of Giving

Benefactor – $1,000,000

In recognition of this life-changing gift of one million dollars, the Share the Luv Benefactor would be honored at a grand opening VIP cocktail reception and featured in a ribbon cutting ceremony certain to be covered by media outlets. A large plaque, painting or other permanent means of recognition of this gift would be placed in our beautiful reception area, so all who visit, work and learn at Luv Michael will know of the tremendous benefaction that allowed Luv Michael to grow and help so many vulnerable individuals and families in need. Luv Michael will feature the donor’s name prominently on its website and other social media. Luv Michael Executives will be honored to attend any event requested by the donor, to discuss the gift and its meaning.

Luv will keep us together – $100,000

In recognition of your donation of $100,000, your family or business name will be prominently displayed on our website and other social media, and a plaque in recognition of this gift will be displayed in our Tribeca Kitchen. Luv Michael will feature the donor’s name prominently on its website and Luv Michael Executives will be honored to attend any event requested by the donor, to discuss the gift and its meaning. In addition, you’ll receive two (2) one-year subscriptions to our delicious Granola, as well as His and Her matching Luv Michael Fleece pullovers and caps.

Whole Lotta Luv – $50,000

A donation of $50,000 would be recognized throughout our social media network. A plaque in recognition of this gift will be displayed in our Tribeca Kitchen. You’ll receive (2) one-year Granola subscriptions as well as His and Her matching Luv Michael Fleece pullovers and caps.

Luv Fest – $25,000

Your donation of $25,000 would be recognized throughout our social media network. A plaque in recognition of this gift will be displayed in our Tribeca Kitchen. You’ll receive a one-year subscription to our delicious Granola, as well as His and Her matching Luv Michael Fleece pullovers and caps.

All My Luving – $10,000

Your donation of $10,000 would be recognized throughout our social media network, and you’ll receive a six-month subscription to our delicious Granola, as well as His and Her matching Luv Michael Fleece pullovers and caps.

Sweet Luv – $5,000

Your donation of $5,000 would be recognized throughout our social media network, and you’ll receive a three-month subscription to our delicious Granola together with a Luv Michael cap.

For more information about Luv Michael and our campaign or to discuss further your donation, please feel free to contact our president and founder, Dr. Lisa Liberatore at

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