Luv Michael in National Geographic - Luv Michael
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Luv Michael In National Geographic

Luv Michael in National Geographic

“Love and work. Sigmund Freud considered them the cornerstones of our humanity, and they’re the ways most of us come to define our adult lives.”

These are two of the challenges facing Autistic adults. Learn more in this great article from National Geographic written by Judith Newman, a mom of a former Luv Michael intern, Gus from the Cooke School & Institute in NYC. “As Gus ages into adulthood, the list of his challenges that worry me grows longer,” Judith Newman writes of her autistic 18-year-old son. “But the two questions that keep me up at night are: Will he find love, and will he find work that means something to him and allows him to at least partially support himself?”  Luv Michael was honored to be mentioned in the article and proud to know that our program can have a positive impact on many young adults on the spectrum. National Geographic subscribers can read more here.

Luv Michael trains, educates, and employs those diagnosed with Autism at our bakery in NYC.

Learn how to become a virtual volunteer and support adults with Autism by clicking here.

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