We Luv Milestones: Jenna and Donna Pass Their New York Food Handler's License Exams

March 22, 2019 was a milestone Luv Michael...Two of the Luv Michael Granologists took and passed the New York Food Handlers License Exam...This didn’t happen overnight...For many months Granologists Jenna and Donna worked extremely hard to achieve this important designation...Focused, committed and wanting to learn, they were dedicated to the curriculum, working with Teacher Sarah in the Luv Michael classroom and reviewing the course material, and putting time in at home to study. All their hard work and commitment paid off as they now have their New York Food Handlers License. We are so very proud of them and know they are unstoppable. Enjoy the video. It is a lesson for all about the importance of hard work and determination and of sharing the Luv.

We have so many more Granologists to train, educate, empower and employ. With our new Tribeca Commercial Kitchen and Learning Center, we can do just that. YOU can help make that happen here


Luv Michael Photo Shoot: Granologists Get The Star Treatment


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