EVENT: NYC Showing: "Extraordinary People: A Documentary About Adults with Autism & Employment"
NYC Showing Monday January 14, 2019 - "Extraordinary People: A Documentary About Adults with Autism & Employment"
Extraordinary People Documentary Trailer from Gina Ireland on Vimeo.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]When: January 14, 2019
Where: AMC Loews Orpheum 7 - 1538 Third Avenue, East 86th Street New York, NY 10028
RSVP:Clare Davis
On Monday January 14, 2019, Luv Michael, NSASA, and Extraordinary Ventures of North Carolina are hosting a screening of "Extraordinary People: A Documentary About Adults with Autism & Employment". Following the film, there will be a panel discussion on the business of Luv Michael and employment for 21+ Autism population.
Luv Michael is an existing Autism business in NYC, and they train, educate, and employ people with Autism. Luv Michael produces a high quality organic, gluten-free, and nut-free granola without harmful chemicals and toxic allergens. I am a happy client and I typically have 2-3 bags in my backpack on a daily basis!!
“Please join us for a private screening of a new documentary and conversation around creating meaningful employment for adults with autism and disabilities.
The 30-minute film follows the stories of six individuals across the spectrum who tap into individual skills and strengths to find success working at a special purpose business called Extraordinary Ventures. “They’ve been told they can’t do it. Well, look at them now!”
While a job is a vital source of pride and self-esteem, opportunities for this population are scarce. It is incumbent on us all—individuals, families, communities, employers—to be more accepting and open to new ideas. The film explores ways to create businesses and meaningful employment around what people are good at, not what they can’t do.
A panel discussion will follow the film.”
- Clare Davis of Luv Michael
Our story is about to take a huge leap forward with the opening of our higher-capacity kitchen and learning center in the Tribeca section of New York City.
We hope you’ll join us by helping to spark the future of Autism-to-Work. Your support now will make a huge advancement in special needs work and development for years to come.